Practice Areas

We know that after a separation most people want to finalise matters amicably and quickly.

We can apply for a divorce on your behalf if you have been separated from your spouse for a period of 12 months.

Parenting Arrangements
Your children are your primary concern so it is important to speak to a family lawyer that shares this view.

Financial Settlements
It is important that you receive the right advice about what division of property you should receive.

De Facto Realationships
It can be difficult to know exactly where you stand and what your legal rights are in a de facto relationship.

Wills and Estates
Our estate lawyers can assist you with all aspects of estate planning – creating your will, appointing a power of attorney.

Executors, Trustee and Probate
Our estate lawyers are able to assist you with all matters relating to executors and probate. When you make a Will, you will need to appoint an Executor.
De Facto Realationships
It can be difficult to know exactly where you stand and what your legal rights are in a de facto relationship.
Wills and Estates
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